Using the Resource Graph

The Resource Graph view displays a bar chart view of an individual resource's workload and availability. This view allows you to quickly discover whether the selected resource is over allocated or under allocated for a specific period of time. You can also see the percentage of units allocated for assignments, along with the resource's maximum unit availability.
If the resource name is listed in red, then the resource is over allocated. Resources listed in black are allocated either exactly at or under their full capacity. Peak units are listed at the bottom of the graph. Using the Resource Graph1

Get your own template

In our e-course you get a template in which we have made a small adjustment by creating a combined resource graph. This graph combines the resource sheet with the resource graph. The main difference as opposed to the default graph is that you can now select multiple resources at once and see their combined availability and workload. Don't be afraid to send us an email or give as a call so we can help you to set this view up for yourself!

Try it yourself

Test it out for yourself by selecting multiple resources and try out the different sections in the resource graph that you will see once you right-click on the graph area. Using the Resource Graph2
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