As constraints will limit the dynamicity, your challenge is to avoid these as much as possible - do not misuse constraints. In some cases though you will need them. Consider for instance the following situations:
Place the roof, once the supporting walls are finished - You do not need a constraint, but a task dependency.
A task can only start once the resource is back from vacation - For this you do need a constraint.
However, when you work with resources in your schedule, let the resource calendar reflect the unavailability. 'As soon as possible' will then be when the resource has availability again. This is explained in our Pro course (check our training Resource Management).
End report is due on August 1st, at the latest - Plan ASAP and use a deadline to monitor the due date, not with a ‘finish no later than’ constraint, as you would do when preparing for an exam ;-).
End report is due ON August 1st. Same as above, no ‘must finish on’ constraint.
You expect a delivery from a supplier - you do need a constraint to tell MS Project when you receive the goods and can continue working with these goods.
You expect a delivery from another project in your organization - you do not need a constraint. You can make a 'link between projects' instead. This will be explained in our Intermediate course (take our e-course Critical Path Management).
Constraints in your own schedule
In which cases do you use constraints in your MS Project schedule?
Share it in the comments below!